Step 1Advance Care Planning & the Mental Capacity Act Resources around Advance Care Planning and the Mental Capacity from The National Council for Palliative Care.
Step 4
Royal College of Nursing Dignity Pack Follow this link for information and resources on dignity from the Royal College of Nursing. You may wish to purchase the RCN Dignity Pack to support you in the delivery of the workshops.
Follow this link for information and resources on dignity which will support your workshops.
Follow this link for information and resources when considering environment at the end of life.
Step 6
The following leaflets are produced by the Department for Work and Pensions and provide information on what to do after some on dies.
What to do after a death in England and Wales This leaflet gives you help and guidance about what to do when someone dies. This includes:
It also tells you about the financial help you may be able to get and lists organisations who can give you support and comfort.
Getting the right information and help when someone dies is essential. This leaflet tells you what you need to do after a death. It doesn’t go into detail, but explains where you can get more information and who to contact. These leaflets can be ordered in Standard English and Welsh If you require fewer than 50 copies of a leaflet or need to order business reply envelopes, please contact your local Jobcentre Plus office. For your nearest office look under Jobcentre Plus, Jobcentre or social security office in the phone book. For larger quantities of leaflets, please order from iON. Clcik here for the order form for care homes to order supplies to be given out to relatives post bereavement.