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Communication skills training

Good communication skills are vital in ensuring the needs of people nearing end of life, their families and carers are identified, responded to and met – respectfully and compassionately.

Communications skills training boosts the confidence and competences of staff responsible for helping identify and meet these needs.

Communication skills training is now organised by the University of Central Lancashire with a team made up of a number of accredited facilitators. 

The training is currently funded by the Cumbria and Lancashire End of Life Care Network and colleagues in the Lancashire and South Cumbria Cancer Network.

Communication skills training is delivered on three different levels to suit varying job types and responsibilities.  Find out more information on each level of training by clicking on the following links:


Advanced Communication Skills (2 days)

Intermediate Communication Skills (2 days)  

Sage and Thyme ® (1/2 day)


For further information please email 


End of Life Care
Downloads   End of Life Care Strategy:PDF 
Downloads   Best Interests at end of life:PDF
Downloads   Advance Care Planning:PDF
Downloads   Preferred Priorities for CarePDF
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