This will be the last time the Care Home Representatives meet in the workshop forum. A requirement of the workshop is to present their Care Home End of Life Policy which they have been developing. It would be encouraged to support the Care Home Representative to present formally to the group to prepare them in their role as Care Home End of Life Care Champion, which may involve presenting information back to their colleagues or delivering training sessions.
You may wish to include an award ceremony at the workshop to acknowledge the achievements of the Care Home Representatives and their transgression to Care Home End of Life Care Champion. A certificate should be given to the Care Home Representative for attending ALL the workshops.
On completion of a full portfolio of evidence a certificate should be given to the care home. Local guidance needs to be developed on the procedure to sustain and review the Six Step to Success certificate.
The aim should be for the group to continue to meet on a regular basis addressing any gaps in the Care Home End of Life Policy and to keep informed of local developments in end of life care. The group will enhance collaborative working with the independant care sector and the Care Home End of Life Care Champions will be supported to lead and develop end of life care within their organisation. A criteria of re-issuing the care home Six Step to Success certificate may depend on the Care Home End of Life Care Champions attendance at these meeings.
Objectives: By the end of the session the Care Home Representative will be able to: • Describe the End of Life Care Policy implemented within the individual care home • Analyse audit figures • Understand the importance of a completed portfolio and demonstrate its contents • Demonstrate, through the completed portfolio, that they have fulfilled their roles and |
Supporting Documents: This basic register can be used at any events and workshops to keep a record of delegates.
Post-programme knowledge, skills and confidence audit All the audit resources can now be found in the expanded Six Steps Audit section. For guidance and tools around this audit please click here.
Post-programme quality markers and measures audit All the audit resources can now be found in the expanded Six Steps Audit section. For guidance and tools around this audit please click here. Roles and responsibilities of a care home representative This document provides an outline of the roles and responsibilities of the care home representatives.
Six Steps to Success programme This core document contains an overview of the programme and detailed work plans.
This provides a checklist of actions which should be completed before the next workshop.
This evaulation form can be used to allow delegates to provide any feedback. This feedback will help facilitators to continually develop and improve the delivery of the programme.
This certificate would be awarded to the home on completion of a full portfolio of evidence.
Care Home Champion Certificate This certificate can be awarded to the Care Home Champion to acknowledge their acheivements and the transgression from Care Home Representatives to Care Home End of Life Care Champions.