The second step on the route to success is about the early assessment of a resident’s needs and
wishes as they approach the last year of life. The aim is to establish their preferences and choices
as well as identify areas of unmet need. It is important to explore the physical, psychological,
social, spiritual, cultural and environmental needs and wishes of each resident.
By the end of the session the Care Home Representative will be able to: • Recognise the importance of holistic care planning • An awareness of assessing a residents mental capacity • Produce an action plan to implement a system to support advance care planning • Develop further the Care Home End of Life Care Policy.
This workshop should be followed with mandatory supporting education. More information can be found here. |
Supporting Documents:
This basic register can be used at any events and workshops to keep a record of delegates.
The programme is based on the Routes to Success and this document can provide further background to the programme.
This document provides guidance for holistic common assessment of the supportive and palliative care needs of adults requiring end of life care.
This learning aid provides a case study which can be used alongside the work plan for Step 2.
This tool is used alongside the work plan for Step two.
Mental Capacity Act (2005) - Two stage test of capacity This guide, produced by the Care Quality Commission, contains information about the Mental Capacity Act (2005) and the two stage test of capacity (see page 5).
This document contains practical guidance for Best Interests Decision Making and Care Planning at End of Life.
This support sheet provides information on the Mental Capacity Act (2005).
This support sheet provides information on best interest decision making.
Planning for your future care - A guide This booklet provides a simple explanation about advance care planning and the different options open to people approaching the end of life.
Capacity, care planning and advance care planning in life limiting illness: A Guide for Health and Social Care Staff This document provides guidance around advance care planning for health and social care staff.
This support sheet provides information on Advance Care Planning.
This support sheet provides information on Advance Decisions to Refuse Treatment.
This support sheet provides information on the Preferred Priorities for Care (PPC).
North West End of Life Care Register This useful tool can be used to register and track individuals who may require end of life care. (Copy without example
This provides a checklist of actions which should be completed before the next workshop.
This evaulation form can be used to allow delegates to provide any feedback. This feedback will help facilitators to continually develop and improve the delivery of the programme.
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General News 2013-03-01
National End of Life Care Programme Newsletter 55
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